Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Multiplication/division - inverse relationship

In this free math problem solver session we are going to study about Multiplication of inverse relationship: There exists an inverse relationship between multiplication and division. With the above statement we mean that for any given relation of multiplication, if we inverse the numbers, the result remains unchanged. (Improve your knowledge by playing inverse function worksheet)
Let us see and understand it through some examples:
  If we write:  4 * 3 , it simply means 4 times of a number 3.
We know that multiplication is simply a repetitive addition . So it can be written as
  3 + 3 + 3 + 3  = 12
But when we write the above multiplication expression as 3 * 4, it will be expressed as :
 3 times 4
= 4 + 4 + 4  = 12    
In both the cases we get the same answer.
So we conclude that multiplication is inverse relationship i.e. 3 * 4  = 4 * 3
See more on inverse relationship here
Division of inverse relationship: Acceding to this we conclude that If any number is divided by  a divisor we get a quotient.
 Now if the place of quotient and divisor are changed, the relation remains same.
Let us try it with an example:
If we are given 26 / 3
We know that, 26 divided by 2 gives 13
or 26 / 2 = 13
In the same way if we write
26 divided by 13 gives 2
or                   26 / 13 = 2
So division of inverse relationship holds true.

In upcoming posts we will discuss about Fractions and Decimals and Place Values. Visit our website for information on CBSE home science syllabus

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