Friday 21 September 2012

subtracting decimals

Numbers which contain a decimal point are known as decimals, decimals are a way to represent a fraction. Here we will understand the concept of subtracting decimals. Some steps for subtraction of decimal numbers are shown below:
Step 1: Take two decimal numbers.
Step 2: Now subtract the given decimal numbers.
Step 3: As we know that larger value can never be subtracted from smaller value. We can subtract smaller value from larger value.
Step 4: Suppose we have a condition where we need to subtract smaller value from larger value, here we will borrow 1 form previous digit and then we will subtract.
Step 5: After subtraction put the decimal point at its original position.
Now we will apply above steps in a example:

Suppose we have to subtract 82.425 from 30.894.

Step 1: First we will take two decimal numbers.
Step 2: Write the number in subtraction form:

Subtract 5 from 4 we get 1, it can be written as:

Now borrow form previous digit, number becomes 12. So if we subtract 12 from 9 we get 3.

  Same as

Now put decimal point after three digits. If we subtract 2 from the 1 we get 1.

Now subtract 8 from 3 we get 5. On putting last value we get:

So our result is 51.531. This is the process of subtracting decimals.

Now we will talk about the Law of Conservation of Momentum.
It states that states that vector sum of moments of objects, in an isolated system, along any straight line remains conserved.
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Wednesday 22 August 2012

multiplication table

In the previous post we have discussed about Positive and Negative Number and In today's session we are going to discuss about multiplication table. In mathematics, the concept of multiplication table plays an important role for solving various calculative terms in real world. If we want to define multiplication table in mathematics then it can be describe as a table that shows the multiplication of number in various algebraic systems. The concept of multiplication table first introduced by the great arithmetical mathematician Mr. John leslie in his book “the philosophy of arithmetic” in 1820. The basic concept behind the multiplication table is that to remove the process of adding a vast amount of values by overlapping the concept of multiplication. Through the multiplication table user can easily calculated complex values in a quick and easier manner.

Here in this section we are going to discuss about the multiplication table chart which demonstrates the multiplication table in the form of chart. It means to say that chart is a pictorial representation of a multiplication table in the form of rows and columns. The concept of multiplication table gets very useful when it shows in the form of chart. It is easy to represent multiplication table by taking (x + 1)2 rows and column in chart. Here value of x is equal to the value that is used for representing a table from 1 to x. It means if we take a value of x as 12 then chart contains (12 + 1 )2 = 169 rows in a chart. One more thing we need to remember one thing that first row should be empty. (know more about multiplication table, here)

We can easily access this chart by follow the given rules:
I ) First pick any value from top side
II) Then pick another value from left side.
III) After that start from left number to right side up to the top number line.
IV) Then we can see that there is right value we obtained.

Representative Elements is a elementary table that represent organized elements with their properties. Students who are appearing in national talent search examination then ntse sample papers help them to perform well.

Positive and Negative Number

Numbers are of different types that are real numbers which is a superset of all types of numbers. it consists of different types of numbers that are natural numbers, whole numbers, rational numbers, positive and negative numbers. Here, we will spark our knowledge on positive and negative numbers. Positive number is defined as the numbers which are positive in nature and plus sign is considered for them represented as ‘+’. And negative numbers are defined as the numbers which are negative in nature and recognized by minus sign represented as ‘-‘.

Different mathematical operations can be easily performed over positive and negative numbers. These mathematical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. When a positive number is added with a positive number it provides a positive output but when a negative number is added with a positive number it performs subtraction and the result may be positive and negative.

Similarly when a positive number is subtracted from a negative number then subtraction is performed and result may be positive and negative but when a negative number is subtracted from a negative number then addition is performed and the result is obtained as negative. Multiplication of two positive and two negative numbers are positive and if opposite symbols are multiplied then the result obtained is negative. Relative standard deviation is defined as the absolute value of coefficient of variation. It can also be expressed in the terms of percentage.

For comparing the data of any two persons or any two events we used to calculate average of the data, standard deviation, and relative standard deviation. Then, the data is compared with average of each data. Cbse is defined as the Central Board Of Secondary Education. Cbse syllabus is considered all over India. It conducts examinations all over India and includes thousands of schools and In the next session we will discuss about multiplication table. 

Monday 13 August 2012

How to Cross Multiply

Mathematics is a subject through which we can solve the real world problems by using several various mathematical concepts. Arithmetical mathematics can be considered as a part of mathematics which is a collection of various elementary concepts to solve problems. In fundamental mathematics, we usually start with number system. Fractional numbers are the part of number system which represents two integer values in the form of denominator and numerator. Suppose we have two numbers ‘n’ and ‘d’ then they can be represented in fraction form as n / d.
When we want to perform arithmetic operations between two or more fractional numbers like multiplication, comparison, finding greater fraction and so on then we required to use another concept to solve the problem, which is popularly known as cross multiplication. In this situation a question arises in our mind that How To Cross Multiply between fractional numbers.
Cross multiply is a mathematical trick or skill which is used to minimize the calculative part of performing multiplication between fractional numbers. The basic reason behind using this concept is that it generates the result in a quick and easier manner. When we want to perform various operations between fractional numbers we need to remember some points that are given below:
I ) In this phase we need to perform multiplication between numerator of first fraction to the denominator of other fraction and right down the answer one side.
II) After first phase multiply the denominator of first fraction to the numerator of second fraction and right down the result on other side. (know more about Cross Multiply, here)
Through the use of cross multiply we can easily minimize the fraction into their lowest term then we easily perform multiplication between them.
In chemistry, the nucleus of any atom is made by two things which named as Protons and Neutrons. The cbse syllabus and cbse sample paper for class x helps the students to make their board preparation very well.

Saturday 28 July 2012

density property of real numbers

In the previous post we have discussed about Decimal Place value and In today's session we are going to discuss about  density property of real numbers. As we all are very well aware from the concept of number system. Number system is a collection of all kinds of numbers that are part of mathematics. From those numbers, real number is one of them that deal with irrational numbers, fractional numbers and integers values. Here we are going to discuss about the density property of real numbers. Before understanding the concept of density property of real number we need to understand why we use it.

So answer is that properties with real numbers play an important role for solving various kinds of mathematical problems. Like in algebra real numbers property helps in solving algebraic equations in a understandable and easier manner.
Density property of real numbers are kind of property that tell us that there are infinite numbers are exists between two real numbers. In the simple mean we can say that density property of real numbers is a kind of property which shows that between any two real numbers there is some other numbers exists.
According to the standard definition we can say that density property can finds the infinite numbers that are lies between any two real numbers. Suppose there are two real numbers given that is 2 and 3. Now by using the concept of density property of real number we can say that there are infinite numbers are lies between them. Like 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and so on. (know more about density property of real numbers, here)
The concept of density property of real number also varies with the fractional numbers. It means to say that if we have two fractional value then there are infinite numbers also exists between the fractional value.
The concept of Van Der Waals Forces is used in physical chemistry which calculates the sum of attractive or repulsive force between the molecules. Students who are appearing in board exam then icse sample papers helps them for their exam preparation.

Friday 27 July 2012

Decimal Place value

Decimal can be define as a mathematical fundamental concept that deals with the numbers of numerals system. Decimal can be defined as a point which is placed between the two or more digit value. Students who want to understand the concept of decimal, they first required to understand the concept of Decimal Place value. In mathematics, decimal position can be defined as a place of any number set through which the value of any number can be determined by their corresponding position. The number value which contains a decimal value within it then value of each number is very important.
In the normal form, each value of any number has their specific position or place value. Suppose we have a number 1234. Here the number 1234 has a specific number place value. The value 4 can be consider as unit value, value 3 can be consider in the position of tens, in the same aspect 1 and 2 can be consider as a place value of thousand and hundred position. (know more about Decimal Place value, here)
But when we put a decimal point between the digits of any number that has more then two digit into their value then place value of digits gets change into two categories. It means to say that right side digit of number has different place value and left side has different place value. Suppose we have number 123.456. Here we can see that there is a decimal point between the number values and both sides have different place value. Here left side of decimal value remains as like normal number value but right side has different place value.

After decimal first digit can be consider as a tenths place value means 4 tenths. In the same aspect the value 5 and 6 after decimal point can be consider as a fifth hundredths and sixth thousandths. Surface Area of Cone can be calculated by using the following formula that are given below:
Surface Area of Cone = pi * r * s + pi * r * r
icse board stands for Indian Certificate of Secondary education that conducts national level board examination for class 10th and 12th. In the next session we will discuss about Comparing Fractions. 

Comparing Fractions

In mathematics, fraction can be defined as a ration representation of two whole numbers. Fraction is a part of number system that helps the students for resolving various kinds of mathematical problem. Fraction is most important mathematical concept that performs the task of expressing any number into ‘n’ number of equal parts. Suppose there is pizza which is required to be distributed between three friends. At that time the concept of fraction resolve the problem by distributing the pizza equally through which each friend get one- third part of pizza to eat.
In the concept of fraction, we perform the representation of two whole numbers in role of dividend and divisor. Like 2 / 3 and 4 / 5. Here the value 2 and 4 can be consider as dividend known as numerator for fraction and 3 and 5 can be consider as divisor known as denominator for fraction number. (know more about Comparing Fractions, here)
Here we are going to discuss about one of the fractional concepts which is popularly known as comparing fraction. As a name specified as comparing fraction is task of performing a comparison between the two fractional values.
It means to say that Comparing Fractions is to calculate which number is greater and which is lower. The comparing fraction can be performed by using some symbol like <, > and =. To perform the comparing fraction successfully between fractional values can be done by following some step that is given below:
Step a) First we need to calculate LCD.
Step b) When we perform the step A then we need to calculate the product of LCD value with top and bottom value of fraction number for equalizing the denominator value of both fractional number.
Step c) In the last step perform the comparison of numerator value and put the respective sign between them.
Surface Area of a Prism in rectangular form can be calculated by using following formula
2 * length * width + 2 ( length + width ) height
For board examination icse guess papers 2013 guide the students to make their exam preparation better. In the next session we will discuss about Decimal Place value.