Numbers which contain a decimal point are known as decimals, decimals are a way to represent a fraction. Here we will understand the concept of subtracting decimals. Some steps for subtraction of decimal numbers are shown below:
Step 1: Take two decimal numbers.
Step 2: Now subtract the given decimal numbers.
Step 3: As we know that larger value can never be subtracted from smaller value. We can subtract smaller value from larger value.
Step 4: Suppose we have a condition where we need to subtract smaller value from larger value, here we will borrow 1 form previous digit and then we will subtract.
Step 5: After subtraction put the decimal point at its original position.
Now we will apply above steps in a example:
Suppose we have to subtract 82.425 from 30.894.
Step 1: First we will take two decimal numbers.
Step 2: Write the number in subtraction form:
Subtract 5 from 4 we get 1, it can be written as:
Now borrow form previous digit, number becomes 12. So if we subtract 12 from 9 we get 3.
Same as
Now put decimal point after three digits. If we subtract 2 from the 1 we get 1.
Now subtract 8 from 3 we get 5. On putting last value we get:
So our result is 51.531. This is the process of subtracting decimals.
Now we will talk about the Law of Conservation of Momentum.
It states that states that vector sum of moments of objects, in an isolated system, along any straight line remains conserved.
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