Numbers are of different types that are real numbers which is a superset of all types of numbers. it consists of different types of numbers that are natural numbers, whole numbers, rational numbers, positive and negative numbers. Here, we will spark our knowledge on positive and negative numbers. Positive number is defined as the numbers which are positive in nature and plus sign is considered for them represented as ‘+’. And negative numbers are defined as the numbers which are negative in nature and recognized by minus sign represented as ‘-‘.
Different mathematical operations can be easily performed over positive and negative numbers. These mathematical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. When a positive number is added with a positive number it provides a positive output but when a negative number is added with a positive number it performs subtraction and the result may be positive and negative.
Similarly when a positive number is subtracted from a negative number then subtraction is performed and result may be positive and negative but when a negative number is subtracted from a negative number then addition is performed and the result is obtained as negative. Multiplication of two positive and two negative numbers are positive and if opposite symbols are multiplied then the result obtained is negative. Relative standard deviation is defined as the absolute value of coefficient of variation. It can also be expressed in the terms of percentage.
For comparing the data of any two persons or any two events we used to calculate average of the data, standard deviation, and relative standard deviation. Then, the data is compared with average of each data. Cbse is defined as the Central Board Of Secondary Education. Cbse syllabus is considered all over India. It conducts examinations all over India and includes thousands of schools and In the next session we will discuss about multiplication table.
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